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Indgang til Filminstituttets støtteordninger
Om Filminstituttet
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FILM#72 / Cannes issue May 2011
Available for download / Tilgængelig til download
FILM#70 / Amsterdam issue November 2010
FILM#67 / Amsterdam issue November 2009
FILM#62 / Berlin issue February 2008
FILM#57 / Cannes issue May 2007
FILM#52 / September 2006
Danish Films / Berlin 2017
Danish Films / IDFA 2016
Catalogue Fall 2016
Download catalogue for Danish Films in the fall 2016
FILM-X studios
The FILM-X studio and the FILM-X animation tool bring creativity to the fore, letting children and young people discover their potential as a writer, director, actor, editor and sound designer.
National Festivals and Events
From CPD:DOX, PIX and MIX to festivals for shorts and children's films. Get a quick view of festivals and film events in Denmark.
Festivals and more
The Danish Film Institute supports local children and youth film festivals and other film-related activities for all ages.